Monday, August 5, 2013

Rolf Prima Tri at the Grove

It has been a week since I traveled to Oregon to visit my 101 (almost 102) year old grandmother and race the Rolf Prima Tri at the Grove near Eugene.  The weather was beautiful and the wild blackberries were bountiful. In fact, they lined the run course at the race and it took a lot of discipline not to pull over and grab a few. I restrained myself but when I rode the next day near Lake Oswego I did make sure to stop and enjoy a few handfuls.

I got to visit lots with my Ama (that is what I call her) and I wore her out because on Sunday morning she slept until 9:30am! I came home from a spin and she was just getting up. I also was able to make time for breakfast with my oldest friend in the world, Cary. We were friends from the time we were babies and I feel a sense of home when I get the chance to see her. Sharing the west coast lifestyle with her now makes me happy.

My total randomness/weird conversation for the weekend happened with one of my grandmother's neighbors. She saw me after my run and told me, while I held the door open for her, that the two most beautiful women in the world (Liz Taylor and Marilyn Monroe) would not be caught dead running.... EVER. In effort to find "beauty" I needed to be sure and remember this nugget of information.  Um....okay.  Marilyn Monroe did have a drug problem right???  Is that beauty???

Off to Chicago and Wisconsin for the Rev3 Wisconsin Dells race this weekend.

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